Aktuelle Publikationen
Christian Leibel and Lutz Bornamnn on specification uncertainty in bibliometrics (and what we can do about it)
Leibel, C., & Bornmann, L. (2024). Specification uncertainty: What the disruption index tells us about the (hidden) multiverse of bibliometric indicators. Scientometrics, 129(12).
Anna Zamberlan, Filippo Gioachin and Paolo Barbieris on hiring intentions in the UK labour market
Zamberlan, A., Gioachin, F., & Barbieri, P. (2024). Hiring intentions at the intersection of gender, parenthood, and social status. A factorial survey experiment in the UK labour market. European Sociological Review, jcae043.
Felix Wolter on fairness of housing evaluations
Wolter, F. (2024). Merit, Need, Entitlement? Investigating Fairness of Housing Evaluations. Zeitschrift für Soziologie.
Katrin Auspurg and Sabine Düval on gender ideologies and causal mediation analyses with experimental data
Auspurg, K., & Düval, S. (2024). Housework as a Woman's Job? What Looks Like Gender Ideologies Could Also Be Stereotypes. Sociological Science, 11, 789-814.
Katrin Auspurg and Josef Brüderl on many-analyst studies
Auspurg, K., & Brüderl, J. (2024). Toward a more credible assessment of the credibility of science by many-analyst studies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(38), e2404035121.
Lutz Bornmann, Christoph Ettl und Christian Leibel zur Messung "disruptiver" Forschung mittels bibliometrischer Daten.
Bornmann, L., Ettl, C., & Leibel, C. (2024). In search of innovative potential: The challenge of measuring disruptiveness of research using bibliometric data. Embo Reports, 1-5.
Filippo Gioachin und Anna Zamberlan zu Fertilitätsgeschichten, beruflichem Erfolg und generationenübergreifender Mobilität italienischer Frauen
Gioachin, F., A. Zamberlan, 2024: Breaking Barriers or Persisting Traditions? Fertility Histories, Occupational Achievements, and Intergenerational Mobility of Italian Women. Sociological Science.
Katrin Auspurg, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Christiane Bozoyan, Andreas Diekmann, Fabian Thiel und Henning Best zu dem 9-Euro-Ticket
Auspurg, K., C. Schmiedeberg, C. Bozoyan, A. Diekmann, F. Thiel, H. Best, 2023: Umstieg auf öffentliche Verkehrsmittel und finanzielle Entlastung durch das 9-Euro-Ticket. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie & Sozialpsychologie, 75, 341–363, doi: 10.1007/s11577-023-00918-y
Claudia Schmiedeberg und Jette Schröder zu Interviewer-Effekten
Schmiedeberg, C., J. Schröder, 2023: Did You Like the Interview? Interviewer Effects onRespondents’ Interview Pleasantness Ratings. Field Methods. doi: 10.1177/1525822X231209251
Christian Leibel und Lutz Bornmann zum Disruption Index in Scientometrics
Leibel, C., L. Bornmann, 2023: What do we know about the disruption index in scientometrics? An overview of the literature. Scientometrics.
Andreas Schneck zur Vertrauenswürdigkeit von Forschungsergebnissen im Zuge der Replikationskrise
Schneck, A., 2023: Are most published research findings false? Trends in statistical power, publication selection bias, and the false discovery rate in psychology (1975–2017). PLoS ONE 18(10): e0292717.
Katrin Auspurg, Renate Lorenz und Andreas Schneck zu Zuwanderung und ethnischer Diskriminierung
Auspurg, K., R. Lorenz, A. Schneck, 2023: Does Unprecedentened Mass Immigration Fuel Ethnic Discrimination ? A Two-Wave Field Experiment in the German Housing Market. Sociological Science.
Daniel Krähmer, Laura Schächtele und Andreas Schneck zu "Code-Sharing" - Verhalten in den Sozialwissenschaften
Krähmer, D., L. Schächtele, A. Schneck, 2023: Care to share? Experimental evidence on code sharing behavior in the social sciences. PLoS ONE.
Nina Schumann, Christiane Bozoyan und Claudia Schmiedeberg zu Gewalt in Paarbeziehungen
Schumann, N., C. Bozoyan, C. Schmiedeberg, 2023: Economic hardship and intimate partner violence: An
analysis of perpetrators in Germany. Journal of Family Research.
Lutz Bornmann, Christian Ganser und Alexander Tekles zur Qualitätsbewertung wissenschaftlicher Artikel
Bornmann, L., C. Ganser, A. Tekles, 2023: Anchoring effects in the assessment of papers: An empirical survey of citing authors. PLOS ONE.